Friday, September 2, 2011

Saturn in Libra - The Reality of Relationships

Saturn entered the sign of Libra on October 30, 2009 and will remain there until October 6, 1012. Since Saturn's transit through Libra is almost half over a lot of you have probably already felt it's affect. Hopefully this will help you understand what was going on.  For the rest of you who haven't yet had this "delightful" experience, pay attention.

Most of us believe that there is only one reality, what is real, is real. Right? Would it surprise you to learn that there are actually two realities? The one “out there” and the one we carry around in our heads.

The one we carry around in our head was imprinted on us at birth and is represented by our natal planets. The one out there encompasses the lessons we learn as we grow-up, transiting Saturn. For example.

Let's say that in our limited experience of life (reality) puppies are cute and cuddly. Then one day we pick up a puppy and it bites us. Now we have a new reality to contend with. Not all puppies are cute and cuddly, some puppies bite. How do we deal with this new reality? Do we become afraid of all puppies and vow to stay away from them forever? Or, do we ignore this new reality altogether and continue getting bitten by unfriendly puppies? Or perhaps if we are wise, we begin to exercise some caution around new puppies. Perhaps getting to know them a bit before we try to cuddle them.

Transiting Saturn presents us an opportunity to do a reality check, to perhaps use some caution because reality, as we know it, is about to take a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Saturn has garnered a “bad” reputation over the millenia because most of us don't like facing reality all that much.

Nor do we especially appreciate Saturn's other gifts; hard work, discipline, limitation, boundaries, and maybe most importantly, responsibility.  We all have limitations, we all have boundaries, or need them. Saturn represents our skeleton. Without our bones we wouldn't be able to do any of the things that we do. We would have no form. Saturn is also all about focus. We can only truly focus on one thing at a time. When we focus on one thing we naturally limit our ability to focus on other things. But, putting all this stuff aside for a moment, Saturn wants only one thing for us and that is to be the best we can be. How do we do that? By applying Saturn's strategies of; hard work, discipline, responsibility, setting boundaries, focus and reality testing. We in essence “get serious” about our life.

So what about Libra? Libra is the process through which we create peace, balance, and harmony in our lives. Through our relationships, art, the appreciation of beauty, also through compromise, diplomacy and plain ol' good manners. Libra urges us to use our “inside voice” and please, don't make waves. Libra is also big on sharing.

All is not sunshine and light with Libra though as it can be overly concerned with surface appearances, assuming that; if things look OK, they must be OK. It also worries a bit too much about what other people will think. Libra wants to be liked/loved and will sometimes go to extreme measures to up its “likability” quotient.

So how do we combine Saturn with Libra? Since Libra has to do with art and artists let's say for example that we have always had some vague yearning to be an artist, perhaps we have natal planets in Libra. So one day Saturn comes along and says; “Prove it. Be an artist, paint something.” Saturn always demands proof through manifestation of something concrete in the real world.

If we respond strongly to Saturn's demand for proof, we purchase some paints, brushes, canvases, all the tools of the trade so to speak. We throw the Mother-in-law out of the guest room and set up our studio. If we have never painted before we may want to take some lessons. We schedule some time every day to focus on our painting. We put a lock on the door, turn off the phone and inform our family that we are not to be disturbed except in the case of dire emergency and we stick to our guns no matter who whines, cries or objects. And, we paint, and paint, and paint.

Now comes the hard part, reality testing. We bring our paintings to class. Are they any good? Do we actually have the talent we thought we did? Does it really matter to us what others think? Yes? No? Maybe? If our reviews are good, we are encouraged to keep at it. What do we do, however, if the reviews are bad? Do we keep trying to improve or become discouraged and quit? Have we really done the best we can do or can we do better? Unfortunately Astrology alone can't answer those questions only we can. Saturn is very good at testing our resolve though. How badly do we want it? Are we willing do devote a portion of our lives to our art with no guarantee of ever becoming “good” at it? If so, we have earned the right to call ourselves an Artist whether or not the world agrees.

Now that we see how Saturn works we can apply it to the other processes of Libra. Do we want good relationships? Prove it. Do we now understand that good relationships, like art, don't happen as if by magic they require focus and tending? Good relationships are hard work. Are we willing to put in the time and energy required to make our relationships the best they can be? Are we willing to accept at least half the responsibility for the state our relationships are in right now and do our share of the work to make them better?

Do we want peace and harmony in our lives? Prove it. Are we willing to create a space where peace and harmony can exist? Can peace and harmony exist amidst confusion, dirt and clutter? Can peace and harmony exist if we surround ourselves with negative or angry people? Can peace and harmony exist if we ourselves are negative or angry? Not likely. What do we do? We clear out the clutter. Set boundaries with the angry, negative people in our lives. And work on resolving our own anger issues.

What about balance? There is an old Native American blessing, it goes; “Walk in balance on the earth.” Are we walking in balance? Do we take more than our share? Or are we always giving and asking nothing for ourselves? Do take care of our bodies giving them adequate rest and nourishment or do we burn the candle at both ends? Do we treat ourselves with respect and require that others do the same. Or, do we bounce from pillar to post trying to be everything to everyone? Do we spend too much time socializing never giving ourselves any quiet time? Or, do we isolate ourselves from our friends and loved ones and spend too much time alone? Are we too dependent on others to take care of us? Or are we so hyper responsible that we can't ask for help when we need it? If we recognize any of these signs of imbalance, Saturn asks; “What can I do today, right now to restore my balance?”

After all is said and done, Saturn in Libra literally means labor (Saturn) of love (Libra). So what is your “Labor of Love?” If we are going to labor over anything, it might as well be something we love.

It is also vital to note that while Saturn is transiting Libra it will be opposite transiting Uranus in Aries. What does this mean for us? Simply put, when Saturn shines the light of reality on our current situation, we can't flinch or run away. Well maybe flinch a little, but no running. With as much grace as possible we take our share of the responsibility for creating this reality. Once we have done all that Saturn stuff we will begin to become aware of what we need to change, and, we gather our courage to begin the process of changing it.

Those most affected by Saturn in Libra will be those who have their Sun, Moon, Rising sign or planets in Libra, Cancer, Capricorn or Aries, again. It is clear that between Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Libra the next year or so will be a pivotal time for these four signs.

What it boils down to, in plain language is the old conundrum; “Do I stay or do I go?” This can apply to just about any area of our lives but highlighted right now because of the connection to Cancer and Capricorn are the areas of life defined as inner life (Cancer) and outer life (Capricorn).

Is whatever it is, important enough to me that I want to really work at it (Saturn in Libra) because I really haven't been the best I can be. Or, if I have gone as far as I can go (Saturn-limitation/boundaries), would it be better to “cut my losses” now and start over somewhere else? (Uranus in Aries) If I stay, will it be possible for me to get some of the things I want? (Uranus in Aries) If I go now will I be sorry later? (Saturn in Libra). Another question we might want to ask is can I really change enough (Uranus in Aries) to make this work? (Saturn in Libra) Do I even want to make these changes? And, how much of myself (Uranus in Aries) am I willing to compromise to make peace? (Saturn in Libra). Can I realistically live with that compromise?

Because of the connection to Cancer and Capricorn, our decision, whatever it is, is going to affect our family and our dependencies (Cancer) as well our career and ability to be self-sufficient (Capricorn). And, no matter what we do someone is going to think that we have done the wrong thing. Are we going to say; “I don't care, I have to do what I have to do” and risk alienating those we depend on for support? Or, are we going to try to please everyone else and risk losing an important piece of ourselves? Or hopefully, grow up (Capricorn) and learn to take care (Cancer) of ourselves.  Making it less important to us if others approve of our choices or not (Saturn in Libra).

In a very real sense we are giving birth to something in us (Uranus in Aries) that, if we do it right, will forever change the the way we see ourselves and the way others see us. We need to muster all the reality testing skills we have (Saturn in Libra) so we don't blow it.

Our planets in Sagittarius & Leo will have the opportunity to learn some people skills while Saturn is in Libra as well as practice the fine art of diplomacy, negotiation and compromise. That is if they don't turn tale and run the other way or walk out in a huff. Hey guys, you can't always have it your way.

Our planets in Aquarius & Gemini will want to gather as much information as possible before they make any decision. Aquarius may take a while to make their stand but once the do, they will never back down from it, ever. Gemini on the other hand may dither around forever and never be able to commit to any course of action.

Our planets in Pisces & Taurus may find this reality stuff way too upsetting. Issues may pop up for them which require some real lifestyle adjustments. Whether they will actually do it or not is another matter. Pisces doesn't like disharmony in itself or others, but is often too willing to sacrifice itself to keep the peace.  Thereby making itself a victim of it's own inability to set some boundaries. While Taurus hates all change and just wants to be left alone to do its thing. They may have a pretty good grasp on the reality of their situation but often can't muster the energy or enthusiasm to do anything about it. Or, on the other hand, they can stubbornly demand that they can have their cake and eat it too.  They are often willing to change as long as nothing changes?????  In other words, they will eat the "healthy" cake as long as it looks and tastes the same as the "unhealthy" cake.  :)

Next: Jupiter in Taurus - Opportunities for some peace and quiet.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so fascinating! You write and describe things in a way that I can relate to, and make complete sense to me. I'm just getting into astrology, and these past two posts are making astrology so exciting for me. Keep it up!
