I know I said I was going to discuss Mars next, however, Neptune stepped up to the plate instead, so I guess Neptune it is.
As we discovered before, Uranus moved into the sign of Aries early this year and will remain in Aries until 2019.
Neptune is also in the process of changing signs from Aquarius to Pisces which will be complete in February of 2012. It will remain in Pisces until 2026.
Pluto moved from Sagittarius to Capricorn in 2008 and will stay in Capricorn until January of 2025.
With these three “big guns” all changing signs within the span of a few years one doesn't have to be a genius or a psychic to figure out that we, as well, are living in a time of tremendous change.
The planet Neptune is what is called a Gas Giant. It is a swirling mass of methane and helium gases surrounding a central core of ice and rock. It lives about 4.5 billion km from the Sun. Neptune travels around the Zodiac in approximately 165 years and will stay in a sign for about 14 years.
In the mundane world Neptune has been given the rulership of all substances that have no shape of their own, IE all liquids and gases. Neptune rules all things that are not real, like our imagination. The entertainment industry, the media, alcohol, drugs, make-up and everything else that promotes the idea that something is better, or even worse than it really is, has also been given to Neptune.
But, Neptune is the planet that also represents our highest potential as a human being and as a human race. According to Webster; potential means, “that which can come into being, possible – latent.” Because Neptune represents what is possible or latent within us, not what actually is; whether we will actualize our full potential or not, is often the burning question.
Take Neptune in Libra for example. All men (Neptune) have the capacity to be fair, to compromise, and to play nice with others (Libra). We all have the ability to live a more balanced life. But that doesn't necessarily mean that all men are fair, diplomatic or willing to compromise and some are downright mean. Many people's lives are dangerously out of balance; physically, financially or emotionally.
Neptune transits are typically times of quiet contemplation, creativity, daydreams and imagination. But Neptune can also indicate a period of time when we feel so threatened, vulnerable, overwhelmed or disillusioned that we simply shut down altogether.
Activities begun under the sponsorship of Neptune usually never turn out as we expect because Neptune represents an area of life where we are not entirely in control, even though we might think we are, and things are never quite what they seem to be. With Neptune we are very often in the position of having to trust; in ourselves, someone else or the universe with no guarantees that our trust is justified. That is often very difficult to do especially when we feel that we have been let down before.
It might help to remember when dealing with Neptune, that nothing is as wonderful, or as horrible as we imagine it might be. Never assume and always be willing to be surprised. Often we assume the best in man only to discover the worst, disillusionment with mankind in general can follow quickly on the heels of that discovery, if we allow it. On the other hand, we can assume the worst and very often be delightfully surprised by man's capacity for heroism, compassion, kindness and love. We must often just trust that, no matter how things work out, we will learn a valuable lesson in the process.
Compassion, empathy, kindness and love are words most often associated with Pisces. So are; victim, martyr and slave. While these words may describe some of the personality traits we see evident in the children of Pisces, they are not what Pisces is all about. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and as such is assigned the task of bringing things to a close, wrapping things up and moving on. Pisces is all about endings. Pisces is all about knowing when to quit.
When we reach Pisces we have reached the point of no return; we have done everything we can do, been everywhere we can go, learned everything we can learn, wrung all possible meaning from a situation, and it is time to move on to something else. When Pisces reaches the point where all these criteria have been met, it's done and it can walk away with nary a glance over its shoulder, no apologies, no excuses, no explanations and often no warning.
It doesn't much matter whether we are at the top of the heap, the bottom of the pile or somewhere in the middle when our Pisces moment strikes. It is said that the alcoholic cannot recover until he reaches rock bottom. For him Pisces represents rock bottom, the point where he finally understands that he can't live this way anymore and begins the process of “turning his life around.” Likewise when you have climbed to the top of the mountain and there is literally nowhere else to go, the only option left to you is to find another mountain to climb. For those “somewhere in the middle,” there is often the realization that although they have come a long way, they are climbing the wrong mountain. For many this light bulb comes on only after they have been fired, laid off, divorced or otherwise pushed off the mountain.
But nobody can decide for another when the point of no return has been reached. Many will get divorced only to turn around and marry a clone of their ex. They may get fired from one job and go out the next day to seek the same job with a different company. We may sigh, shake our heads and attempt to wake them up to what we see them doing, but it is often like talking to a wall. Why? Because although the light bulb may have come on for us a long time ago; they haven't yet reached that point. Reaching that point is very much an internal process, only the person involved will know when they get there. No matter what we think, say or do, they will be done only when they are ready to be done.
Not all of us have planets in Pisces but we all have a Pisces point somewhere in our lives. A place that represents the end for us. For example if we have Pisces in the area of life that represents our career, then we might be willing to do, or put up with, all sorts of crazy stuff until it begins to affect our career choices or becomes public knowledge. When that happens it is over for us and we are done. If Pisces is in an area of life that represents our ability to communicate, when the lines of communication shut down or there is nothing further to discuss or say, it's a pretty clear signal to us that our association with whatever is over. It can also be a signal to stop talking or thinking about it and start doing. If Pisces is in the area that has to do with our ability to enjoy life, when things stop being fun for us it is almost always a signal that it is time to pack up our toys and go home.
Neptune in Pisces
What about Neptune in Pisces? Every sign has a planet that “rules” it. When Neptune was discovered someone decided that it should be the ruler of Pisces. When a planet is in the sign that it rules it is said to act strongly so we can probably say that Neptune will be strong in Pisces and act with confidence.
We can play a bit with the key ideas of Neptune and Pisces. Pisces has to do with endings and Neptune represents our illusions. We could say that this time may signify the end of our illusions. Or perhaps our time of quiet contemplation will come to an end and we will actually do something instead of just thinking about it. If we have been living in a fantasy world, maybe that will come to an end and we will be forced to wake up and deal with reality. Maybe our feelings of vulnerability and lack of control will end and we will be empowered to take back control of our own lives. Maybe we will finally find a way to end (Pisces) our dependence on foreign oil (Neptune).
Lately there has been a lot of media hype (Neptune) about the “end of the world” (Pisces). Will the world end when Neptune completes it transition into Pisces in 2012? Maybe? Maybe not? Do I think the world will come to and end in 2012? No I don't. But if by chance it does, I don't really think that you and I will have a whole lot to say about it. People have been predicting the end of the world almost since there have been people. So far they have all been wrong. I am no Bible scholar but I believe that it is written somewhere that; “No one will know when the end will come.” To me that means no one, not you, not me, not even Nostradamus.
Neptune in Pisces does indicate that during this time all men have latent within them the ability to demonstrate compassion, empathy and kindness to its fellow man. Will we actualize this potential over the next 14 years? Can we? If we do, will they?
During the next 14 years, as Neptune travels through Pisces, it will visit everyone's Pisces point or ending point, offering each of us the opportunity to stop (Pisces) being stupid (Neptune). Stop (Pisces) living in a dream world (Neptune). Stop (Pisces) believing things that are not true (Neptune). Why? Because we have something important to do that requires a clear head, a firm grasp on reality, and the willingness to put our nose to the grindstone, shoulder to the wheel and get 'er done. These thoughts point directly to the next major player in our little celestial drama, Pluto in Capricorn.
Next: Pluto in Capricorn
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