Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jupiter in Taurus - Opportunities for Peace and Quiet

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Jupiter in Taurus – Opportunities for Peace and Quiet.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It's orbit around the Zodiac take approximately 12 years, spending about 1 year in each sign. Jupiter entered the sign of Taurus on June 5, 2011 and will stay there until June 11, 2012. We are 1/3 of the way through Jupiter's transit in Taurus so, if your natal planets are in the early degrees you have probably already felt some of Jupiter's effects. Let's see what they might be.

Whereas Saturn had a bad rep with the old time Astrologers, Jupiter, it seems, could do no wrong. It was call the “Greater Benefic” and was thought to dispense goodies wherever it went, kinda like a giant Santa Claus in the sky. This was a bit short sighted of the old timers, in my opinion, because while getting the nod from Jupiter does have its perks, it can also send us riding for a fall. But we'll get to that in a bit.

What Jupiter does do, is provide us an opportunity to expand our horizons. To do more, have more, be more than we ever thought was possible. However, since more and bigger does not always equate to better, or is sometimes even wise, Jupiter can also offer us the opportunity to hoist ourselves onto our own petard through; overconfidence, egotism, pride, arrogance, laziness, waste, and just plain foolishness.

So what part does Taurus play in Jupiter's little drama? Taurus is the process through which we gain our sense of serenity and stability in this crazy world. Patience, simplicity and naturalness are Taurus's gifts. Peace and quiet are its goal. Worry, uncertainty and complexities are its antithesis. As a hedge against uncertainty, Taurus sets about stabilizing its outside circumstance. His needs are pretty basic; a nice home in a safe neighborhood, a secure job with benefits and a retirement package, a dependable car, plenty of food in the fridge and money in the bank. With these things firmly in place, Taurus can kick back and enjoy all the good things life has to offer.

The downside of Taurus is it's willingness to settle for safe, but boring. Given Taurus's need for routine and security, life can too easily become dull, falling into a spirit deadening same ol', same ol' rut allowing laziness and complacency conspire to keep it there.

What is the one thing that we all do, almost from the moment of conception and don't stop doing until we die? Accumulate stuff. Our parents discover we are on the way and the first thing they do is to begin to gather the stuff we will need when we finally get here. A crib, bottles, blankets, tiny little outfits too cute to pass up, toys, clothes and diapers, lots and lots of diapers. When we finally arrive, we grow and change, necessitating the need for more and different stuff, and so it goes throughout a lifetime. We write wills so that when we die our stuff ends up in the right hands. Obviously our stuff is very important to us.

Pick up any pop Astrology book and start reading about Taurus, you probably won't have to read far before you come across the word materialistic. Taurus's need for stability and security can sometimes translate into a need for stuff. When Jupiter is in Taurus we may suddenly need lots more stuff. My grandson just celebrated his first birthday, you wouldn't believe all the stuff he got. Shopping therapy is a common balm employed to sooth Taurus when its nerves are shattered.

Whether Jupiter's transit through Taurus is a benefit or the bane of our existence depends mostly on the overall tone of our personality. If we are normally a bit of a hot head or a risk taker, Jupiter's insistence on a more patient, conservative approach may actually be a good lesson for us, even though it drives us nuts in the process. On the other hand, if we are already pretty set in our ways, Jupiter's transit through Taurus can encourage us to become even more rigid, perhaps edging us into pigheadedness, short sightedness and obstinacy.

One thing is certain, however, when Taurus is highlighted, some area of life slooooows dowwwwwn. Everything seems to take longer than expected, maybe a lot longer with Jupiter. For those of us who want quick and now, it may seem like we are suddenly slogging through the proverbial “molasses in January.” Unanticipated complications arise, a simple matter becomes a major sticking point when egos collide, and the CEO who needs to sign off on the deal has suddenly decided to take an extended vacation in Tibet. What do we do?

Jupiter's contact with any of our natal planets normally takes about two weeks to complete. Who can't wait two weeks? Maybe it's time for a little vacation ourselves. If we can't leave for two whole weeks perhaps a weekend in the mountains, a spa day, or evenings spent puttering around in the yard. Maybe we need to open that book we bought months ago but haven't had time to read, or invite the new neighbors over for a barbecue. Anything but sitting around fussing and fuming because our life isn't going according to plan. When we heed Taurus's call for some R&R we come back revitalized and refreshed, ready to tackle the world again.

Jupiter's transit through Taurus will have the biggest impact on those with Sun, Moon, Rising sign or other planets in Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. You may want to re-read the two paragraphs above. The temptation here is to try to bully your way through the log jam. With Saturn in Libra and Uranus in Aries, finding a suitable compromise may prove to be impossible, especially when all concerned seem hell bent on having their own way. Backing off may be a wiser tactic to employ although it may prove difficult to pull off gracefully, if you have already issued ultimatums

For those with planets in Cancer and Pisces; tending to our own business and allowing the rest of the world to drift on by may be a valid option. Avoid any tendency to eat or drink too much, though. Bad habits, once started, can be extremely difficult to break once this mood has passed. Cancers may have the opportunity to talk some sense into a rebellious family member, if they are willing to be patient and wait for the right time. Although the peace gained may be only temporary at least it's something. However, “peace at any price” may not be in your best interest in the long run.

For those with planets in Virgo and Capricorn; it will never be easier than right now to present your pet project to the powers that be. The old guard isn't looking for anything new or innovative, just to make what is already in place work better. A realistic, efficient and business-like approach to things could very well be a ticket to success. Laziness and inertia are the enemies here, if you fall asleep at the switch, there may not be another chance for awhile. Don't blow it.

For those with planets in Sagittarius or Libra. Taurus has no patience with Libra's indecisiveness nor Sagittarius's inability to commit and might be tempted to manipulate the facts a bit to get a firm commitment from either one of them. Don't do it and don't fall for it, in either case, your credibility may be irreversibly damaged when the truth finally comes out. Promises made to keep the peace are valueless because the only thing you can count on right now is that loyalties will change.

Next: Mars in Leo - Acts of Self-Confidence

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Ive just had 1 small project delayed a week, one slighly bigger long term project delayed a month and another delayed 2 months.
